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The rice mill industry is an important segment of global economy, especially in agricultural countries. The rice milling industry is the oldest and largest agro-based industry. China, Brazil, India, and Australia are the second large rice producer in the world. Xinli Boiler pays attention to the high-tech boilers for rice mill, to increase boiler efficiency and decrease power consumption, the thermal efficiency could arrive 98%, and the NOx emission could lower than 30mg/m3.
In rice mill, steam boiler is one of the main equipment for drying and parboiling. Many traditional rice mills use coal as boiler fuel, while burn coal lead to environment pollution and high operate cost, at the same time, there is a large amount of rice husk as waste. The modern rice mill change the boiler fuel from coal to rice husk, which could decrease both operate cost and waste. Rice husk boiler become more and more popular in rice mill.
Boiler Model SelectionOnline ConsultingHow to Choose the Suitable Boiler
Determine boiler capacity
Determine the saturated steam parameters of the boiler according to the requirements of the production process. The advantage of saturated steam is that it maintains a constant temperature for production.
Determine Boiler Pressure
Generally, boiler pressure is always higher than the production of saturated steam pressure, the reason is to overcome the pressure loss in the pipe or network. At present, the pressure of boiler nameplate is much higher than the pressure needed in production. The actual production pressure plus the pressure drop required to overcome all pipe resistance plus a pressure margin of 25 to 30 percent is sufficient.
Determine Boiler Fuel
Boilers are divided into fuel oil gas boilers, coal-fired boilers, biomass boilers, electric boilers. The state has strict control over coal-fired boilers, and gas boilers have more accurate temperature control. However, it is necessary to consider whether it is convenient to install gas pipelines. If it is not convenient, oil or electric boilers should be considered.
Determine Boiler Structure
In addition to boiler output, working medium parameters, coal varieties three basic factors, there are other aspects such as external size, load volatility, water quality, air pollution, mechanization, automation degree, and the main and auxiliary machine selection. The size of the boiler should be considered in the expansion of the original boiler room. The products of different plants vary greatly in size, so the user should find out the product situation of the factory.
Capacity and Model
It’s better to select the boilers with same capacity or combustion equipment. If different, the max limitation is two models, to decrease the problems of equipment layout and management.
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